About Us
Our Story
How do we reach people who did not receive or learn financial life lessons growing up? How do we help people achieve the highest level of financial literacy and wellness possible? These are the questions that led to the development of Wella’s Way. We are committed to making a positive difference in the financial wellbeing of others.
Our Approach
The needs of the many are great so our solution is arms open wide to people of all communities, races, religions, and walks of life. Be they Black, Caucasian, LGBTQ+, Asian, Latino, Native … be they doctors, nurses, teachers, mechanics, cooks, candlestick makers, and more …
that includes you and your employees too!


Nancy Riedel
CEO & Founder
Message From the FounderAs a young girl, I walked through life unaware of my family’s financial stress. While not severe, it was hidden. As a financial professional today. I can look back and see that the source of our struggles was clear: lack of financial literacy.
As a young girl, I walked through life unaware of my family’s financial stress. While not severe, it was hidden. As a financial professional today, I can look back and see that the source of our struggles was clear: lack of financial literacy. The struggles people endure now are much the same, and may be even more evident today with 24/7 media attention. The source of these struggles is still often hidden by shame.
Achieving financial wellness is a process woven through financial education, literacy and life planning. I realized that it is not enough for me to coach inspire and encourage one person at a time to learn and to take action. That won’t be enough to meet the needs of the many, so the solution must be bigger than one coach, and must be open to all. At the same time, the solution cannot be one-size fits all. The individual’s experiences and fears … which are similar, yet unique … must be met with limitless empathy and a flexible approach that respects everyone’s dignity. That is why I began Wella’s Way, a workplace financial wellness employee benefit plan with a mission to meet each individual where they are and help them find their path to financial wellbeing.
Personally, I am committed to making a positive difference in the financial lives of people of all ages, genders, backgrounds and walks of life. Thankfully, I am not alone … there is no “I” in team … and I have built a network of other like minded individuals, employers and financial service organizations who support this mission with compassion and energy.
A fundamental element of the core team is the trusted relationship between business owners and their employees. Worksite benefits have evolved dramatically over the past 50 years. Financial wellness plans have become a crucial tool for employees. The economic impact of COVID-19 has shown how having an emergency cash reserve can help people manage a tough economy. Many people want guidance and help to get there. An employer-paid holistic financial wellness benefit plan can help with advice about how to build an emergency reserve and so much more.
The financial wellness movement is happening. We invite you to be part of it and join us in this mission. Working together with a deeper, caring and thoughtful approach to financial wellness and wellbeing we can be more powerfully prepared for the present and the future.
-Nancy D. Riedel

Chief Inspiration Leader
Folks around here say Wella has lived in the glade forever, tending to her beloved tree. While no one knows for certain how long she has been here, this much is true – Wella created this wonderful place through her devotion to her tree.

Folks around here say Wella has lived in the glade forever, tending to her beloved tree. While no one knows for certain how long she has been here, this much is true – Wella created this wonderful place through her devotion to her tree. You see, Wella has been tending to her splendid tree since it first poked its shoot through the soil. She believed that if she took proper care of her tree, one day the tree would take care of her and everyone she loved. Wella maintained her devotion to her tree, season after season through the best of times and the worst of times – oh, remember that terrible winter storm!
As the years passed, that little sprout became a strapping young tree with solid roots, a stout trunk and beautiful leaves that changed colors with the seasons. Then one day something wonderful happened. The tree began to bare fruit: lots and lots of fruit. The fruit attracted butterflies and then bees took up residence in the tree and began to produce honey.
Today, Wella and her tree take care of everyone who lives in the glade. It turns out she was right, the wellness tree that she took care of all these years flourishes now and takes care of everyone she loves. It is truly a testimony to wellbeing!
Few People are successful unless other people want them to be. — Charlie Brown