Answering Your Questions
What’s the story behind Wella’s Way?
See the “Financial Nurturing for Any Client at Any Stage“ article in the Advisor Magazine, July 2018 issue.
We only have 5 employees. Can I offer this program to them?
Yes. There is no minimum number of employees required to add Wella’s Way to your benefits package.
How much extra work will this add to our HR staff?
The program is designed to be self-engaging for the employee, and we provide summary employee engagement information.
What resources do you provide in communicating and evaluating the new benefit plan?
We provide sample announcements of the new benefit and other employee communications along with periodic plan-level reports to management.
We have a large number of employees, and they get benefits information via our intranet. Can the Wella’s Way plan be accessed through our intranet system?
Yes Contact us for more information about our large plan solutions.